We are proud to present our next pop up weekend special: Artists Naomi Kazama and Mike Ming will exhibit selected works in conjunction with Zak Bush’s Revisions show and Patagonia’s release of Damnation.
They will be live screen printing on all manner of fabric. Naomi’s mission is to promote sustainability through use of organic materials and Strange will be providing organic cotton t-shirts and Patagonia will be donating returned clothing for printing.
This is an encore performance, and if you missed the first time around, now’s our chance.
And this coming weekend Naomi and Mike will be performing their magic at the Patagonia Bowery surf shop…

PF Gallery will have a one night only viewing of Paola Citterio’s project “Viral Colonization.” We are duly honored that she decided PF Gallery would be a perfect place to mount this fleeting but significant event, titled SOLOFIFTY, and it is truly the sort of experience you’d hope to stumble upon on a Friday night in Brooklyn.

It has turned into an annual event here at the PF Gallery to host the Mi Escuelita Student Art show this time of year. It’s always a hilariously ambitious project and the art is always incredible.
Stop by Saturday 11:00-2:30 (during the day) to bask in the warm glow of children’s dreams.

We’re excited to be hosting Surfrider’s next chapter meeting in the Picture Farm gallery space, Wednesday May 21st. Come join us and hear from their guest speakers Jill Webber from Parks Department and Sarah Knapp from OutdoorFest, and updates on LNG, plastic bag legislation, and water testing campaigns.

Our friends in London at Huck magazine rung up the other day sniffing around about the IDNW community design event we’re hosting this weekend at PF Gallery. Read the hole thing at HUCK.

Our friends in London at Huck magazine rung up the other day sniffing around about the IDNW community design event we’re hosting this weekend at PF Gallery. Read the hole thing at HUCK.

As your prototypical, abnormal, standard, nonconformist art concern, PF Gallery does not “lay claim” to the artists we collaborate with. We are duly proud when their work goes on to be shown and recognized elsewhere. This week in PF Gallery Elsewhere : State Of Wonder is having a garden exhibition at the Standard Hotel in Miami and Christopher Anderson’s SON will be showing at the Paris Photo LA show via the Robert Morat Galerie. Feel the PF love on the national scale.

We first met Zak Bush when he showed up at our doorstep on the immediate heels of Hurricane Sandy with Mikey DeTemple, Lisa Myers & Ty Breuer to start our Sandy recovery efforts. And ever since one of his gorgeous, environmental surf photographs popped up on our walls for Within Sight, we’ve been trying to lock down a time for him to do a solo show. That time is May 2014.
Zak’s photographic journey starts in the cold, clear north of Nova Scotia and the reaches of coastal Canada, and has continued around the world in warmer climes, coming to settle, for the moment, in New York. His process and inspirations have shifted over that time, but his natural talent has persevered. As photographic Swiss Army Knife for Saturdays, Zak has been continually bombarded with new input and fresh visions and the resulting show of instigation and progress is an invigorating comment on an artist in full motion.
Opening Reception on May 2nd form 6-10pm at the gallery!
“New York City-based photographer Zak Bush is proud to present his first solo exhibition, Revisions. Exploring the contesting aesthetics of rural Canada and urban New York City, Revisions chronicles the drastic environmental change Zak underwent in his journey from life in the corner of North America to its center.
Finding grounding elements in each environment, Revisions compares and contrasts imagery from both landscapes respectively, from the jagged coastlands of Nova Scotia to the grid-like streets of New York City. His collection of work not only zeros in on the features that polarize these two regions, but also highlights the qualities that bind them.
Canadian-born photographer Zak Bush developed his art after an injury kept him out of the water for several months. In desperate need of a preoccupation, Zak borrowed a camera and began framing the setting around him. Now residing in Brooklyn, Zak continues to capture the texture and feel of his surrounding environment, whether in bustling Lower Manhattan or a nearby beachside town.
Zak’s work has been featured in The Surfers Journal, Saturdays Magazine, Bergdorf Goodman’s 58th and 5th, Surfer Magazine, Surfing Magazine, Transworld Surf, Australian Surfing Magazine, Slide Magazine, Foam Symmetry, as well as other surf and lifestyle publications around the world. Zak is currently the in-house photographer at Saturdays NYC.”